Sunday, February 3, 2008

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tsu

About 18 of us gathered in Everett today to do an unofficial first walk of four miles. It was great to see everyone, including new walkers. Sidewalks, a bit of uphill, and then a stretch along Airport Road.

I have been doing three miles, with no blisters. But I guess that 25% more is what does the trick. I've got one on the right foot, right under the bunion. I'm going to get my orthodics adjusted. Other than that and a tight left glut, I feel great. Quite a change from last year's first walk with a group at Seward Park!

We start in earnest on March 15th. Betwen the training in the gym, Green Lake walks, and the mat pilates, I should feel even more like an athlete than I did today.

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