Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home..." -- John Newton

I had a great lunchtime walk today along the waterfront with Tracy, before she goes off to her second chemotherapy treatment tomorrow. We ended up talking so intently that we missed the turn back up Harbor Steps from the waterfront -- figured it out down around Yesler, and trecked back. She is truly managing her own care, including a consult with a dietician, ready to apply lessons learned from the first round. She has grace, amazing grace, in spades.

Today's photos are from Day 3 last year, including the closing ceremony in Memorial Stadium. Over 2,300 walkers last year, and another 500 or so crew members. Should be just the same this year, if not larger. We walk for feisty patients and survivors -- Tracy, Julie, Diane, Cindy, Anne, Judy, Denise, Lisa, Andrew, Teddy, Mary, Jobeth, and Sabine.

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