Friday, October 17, 2008

The Art of the Fugue

In music, a fugue (pronounced /ˈfjuːg/) is a type of contrapuntal composition or technique of composition for a fixed number of parts, normally referred to as "voices".[1] .... Since the 17th century[3], the term fugue has described what is commonly regarded as the most fully developed procedure of imitative counterpoint. A fugue opens with one main theme, the subject, which then sounds successively in each voice in imitation; when each voice has entered, the exposition is complete; this is occasionally followed by a connecting passage, or episode, developed from previously heard material; further "entries" of the subject then are heard in related keys. Episodes (if applicable) and entries are usually alternated until the "final entry" of the subject, by which point the music has returned to the opening key, or tonic, which is often followed by closing material, the coda.[4][1] In this sense, fugue is a style of composition, rather than fixed structure....
-- Wikopedia

Sometimes music can mirror life in an eery fashion. Tonight in the first of the "Basically Baroque" concerts this fall, Gerard Schwartz conducts fugues. Were we prescient or what, nearly a year ago, before the fabric of our economy had torn apart, when we ordered these tickets?

The weekend is almost upon us, and I am looking forward to a couple of walks as well as planting spring bulbs in my garden.

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