Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Be happy. It's one way of being wise." -- Colette

Yesterday was one of those perfect days. I had an early morning tea with Fred, friend and colleague of many years, at Peet's near Green Lake. His observations, especially in the area of marketing where he is the expert, were both reassurance that I'm on the right track and a reminder of what is left to do.

Suzie, another friend of many years, is pictured here grabbing me branches of holly for my house. We had a wonderful lunch in Madison Park, rounded out with shopping for holiday decorations at Martha Harris Flowers. Martha is currently recovering from a bone marrow transplant for non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but the news that she is doing well made me very happy.
Here's some of the holly that Suzie cut for me, by the fire -- along with a new decoration gracing the mantleplace that I found on our travels today. The "Merry Christmas" piece is covered with bells, which are hard to see in this picture.

And here's even more of the ivy, on the front porch.

It goes well with a beautiful swag sent to us last week by another set of old friends, Hazard and Diana. With friends such as these four, how could one not be happy?

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