Thursday, May 16, 2013

A month later.

The single tree that survived at Ground Zero.  "Hope springs eternal."
They've installed the top of Freedom Tower on the site of the old World Trade Center.

Legislation to provide better for background checks on guns has failed once again.

There have been two tragic factory fires in Bangladesh.

Suicide bombs continue to go off in the Mideast, reminding us of events in Boston a month ago.

A passionate teacher and mover/shaker in theater has died, and we are mindful of the impact of that loss on ourselves and his students.

Yet small incremental changes take place.

A crosswalk has been installed in front of Eckstein Middle School.

Roosevelt Jazz Band takes third place at the Essentially Ellington competition in New York City.

My garden begins to bloom.

I find new flowers for the pots on my front steps and in the garden.  Planting them last Friday reminds me that almost everything has a time and a place, and that we repeat ourselves endlessly when we love what we do.

 And there is always room for improvement.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Small kindnesses, blooming flowers, slivers of sun; signs of goodness abound.

Sending love to you across the county line, Annie!