I met with my doctor last week for annual physical, and discussed strategies for losing weight. As a result of that session, I had a spirometry test this morning to check on any respiratory improvement since October of 2006, when I began to take Advair for asthma. The results are pretty spectacular, and it's clear how much I've built up the airwaves since I started Advair, and then since late March, when I started walking. I still get out of breath on genuine hills, and when taking steps too fast...but it can only get better still as I continue to train and lose weight, which will also make it easier on the feet and knees.
Lauren and I started a mat pilates class yesterday morning that is tough but possible. I already do some work in this area with Amy in the gym, and this should just enhance the core strength I am already building there.
The snow is gone, and the monsoon season has arrived in Seattle.
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