Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A high honor.

Above, the "Circle of Survivors" for the 2007 Opening Ceremonies, themselves all walkers -- and they are flanked by the flag bearers, whom you can see at the periphery. The photo below shows how the flags are being carried in through approximately 2,500 walkers and 1,000 crew members, plus family and friends who saw us off that first day last year.

I got invited today to be a flag bearer at both Opening and Closing Ceremonies for the 2008 walk. I will be wearing my special hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What an honor indeed, and one so well-suited to you. You have been a warrior for the cause since you first committed to the 3-Day in 2007, and there has been no letting up. I am proud of your indomitable spirit and dedication, and I love you.
