Monday, August 3, 2009

"Irony is a clear consciousness of an eternal agility, of the infinitely abundant chaos." -- Karl W. F. Schlegel

Thanks to the folks at Shoes 'n Feet, I am now wearing real sandals, rather than the awful surgical sandals dispensed along with the pain medication. It's amazing how good they feel--and the manager built a special inside L-shaped pad near where the bunion sits so that I don't get rub in the wrong place. The sandals are made by Naot, and are totally adjustable on strap tightness.

Don't know why it took me so long, except that I could not get flip flops on this morning and I have mostly only been going back and forth to the office, not shopping. Let's hear it for the return of irony!

This evening, we took an old fashioned ride in the Audi with the top and windows open, complete with ice cream cones. On our way to Golden Gardens, we tuned into NPR, for two excerpts from Aspen's Ideas Festival, including one from Harvard's Michael Sandell on the moral limits of markets; and the other on the financial meltdown by Google's Eric Schmidt. It was a great way to end the day.

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