Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Be of good cheer!

It's less than a week to December 21, winter solstice, the day after which the earth turns back toward the sun. At the same time, winter solstice is also the beginning of winter, which many of us in Seattle feel we've already had. Especially in this grey-green climate, light and cheer become more important. Here's a shot of my living room, almost ready for a weekend open house. The photos that follow show off more of the decorations, which I am still editing. I have been sorting through 40 years worth of them, and plan to donate a fair number this week.

The Chickering piano was a birthday gift to Leroy the year that James was born.

No much room on the piano for photos, but our favorites of the whole tribe are included.

James and Santa when he was a year old, as well of one with Cassandra and Sabrina and their families early on. At this point, Rachel, Katie and William had not yet been born.

Last year's holiday photos of Cassandra and Sabrina and their families, as well as an even older one, with only James and Matthew born at that point.

An old woven straw sleigh that I do not appear to be able to give up.

Last year's holiday photo, also shot by Suzie, as well as James' train.

And here's the sitting room table where we keep holiday cards that arrive daily, so we can each keep up with them.

Here's also a better definition of the winter solstice for all of you looking for more light.

"In astronomy, winter solstice is when the earth's orbit tilts away from the sun to bring on the colder days of winter. The day of the winter solstice results in the shortest day and the longest night of the year.However, with each passing day after the winter solstice the earth begins to tilt back - to face the sun once again to signal the return of spring."

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