Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day.

My husband feels that both Mother's Day and Father's Day are commercial ventures, so it was no surprise that he forgot to get me a present. My son, on the other hand, sent me an anthology of contemporary Irish verse. He's been good at presents from the time he was young. Once, he got me a t-shirt that read "Girls Kick Ass" when he was about ten. Often he gave me the newest Rolling Stones CD. I repaid him when he was eleven or so by taking him to the very last Stones concert in the Kingdome for his birthday. Over the years and on his travels, he finds unique l presents to fit my interests as well as his own, often books or music. This book reminds me of how much he remembers, including a trip back to Ireland the two of us took when he graduated from high school. I am still his biggest fan.

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