Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Think where mans glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends. -- Wm. Butler Yeats

Faith and Jenny, Summer of 2011
Faith Sinanan died late this morning after taking on death her way.  Trying to remember dates, I believe that Faith was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.  She walked 60 miles with the Kindred Spirits team for the September 2007 3 Day Walk.  Though my good friend Jenny had talked about her for years, that's where I got to know her.

Until this morning, she was a survivor -- but this past year or so cannot have been easy as she underwent additional treatments for cancer that had metastasized into her brain.   She underwent the famous gamma knife surgery twice.  Jenny was her diarist the last several years, so that all her friends could keep up to date with the travels and deliberate decisions of a truly free spirit while she continued to live life on her own terms.

No one wishes a cancer patient to live in pain or sorrow.  Faith made her plans in a deliberate way and enjoyed life to the fullest while she could, including all the support and good times from her cousin Jenny.  Jenny posted this entry around noon today.

Faith drew her final breath at 11:15 this morning in the same room where she gave birth to Viyda 22 years ago this week.  Gladys and Viyda were with her and her dear friends Sheila and Joan, and of course Bindi (meow) and Gracie (woof).  It is a clear sunny day here in Seattle with brilliant blue skies.  A pair of red-tailed hawks are circling our yard, riding a draft high above.

May you find peace in your heart, knowing our beloved Faith is free. 

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Thank you for your love and kindness, Annie.