Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." - Rumi

I am charmed by those who believe I am on the road to building a very large company with my new business. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm building a truly modern mobile business. In fact, I've designed most elements of the new venture around exactly what I love to do.

I've been a kind of leader/manager for so long that sorting through all of the things I know how to do to get to the ones that truly interest me has taken awhile. Though this blog won't show up on my new website, I will have a voice as often as I wish right on the new front page. In a section called "In the news," I'll identify and comment on important articles I think folks will want to read. And I'll be able to write as many research notes and papers as I wish -- though I do believe we'll see papers from others as well.

It's only 12 days now until the formal launch of the company and the website. We are putting the finishing touches on our materials even as we talk strategic alliances with others in the field of risk consulting. One thing is clear: I love what I am doing.

I've also chosen to stay on the board of the Seattle Public Library Foundation. I care deeply about libraries, the most democratic of our institutions, and its mission. Today's energetic discussions during the board meeting reminded me to keep one foot planted in business and one in culture. It makes for a more interesting life.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

and you will do it all exceedingly well!